About this Statement: We are committed to preventing the existence of slavery or human trafficking within the organisation and all of our supply chains.
To do this we have a zero tolerance policy and take all necessary steps to mitigate any potential risk. Although we believe that our business and the industry in which we operate pose a moderately low risk in regards to slavery and human trafficking, this statement demonstrates how we have fulfilled our ethical and legal responsibility to both create and implement practices which do not allow either modern slavery or human trafficking to take place. This document constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30th September 2017 and has been created in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our Business: We have been providing care staff since 2016. The business provides care staff to clients in their own homes as well as to residential and care homes. It delivers short-term respite, convalescent or companionship care and often provides the solution which enables individuals to stay in their own homes.
Our Policies: We currently have a Modern Slavery Policy in place which is reviewed annually. In addition, we have a Whistle Blowing Policy. Contained within this policy is the number and email address for a confidential helpline which can be used to report matters of serious concern. Any reports will be dealt with by a senior representative from the business in a prompt and professional manner. The helpline can be used specifically to report any serious disclosures or concerns, such as suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking with the view of hoping to encourage increased reporting.